Saturday, June 18, 2011

Treating Prostate Enlargement with Pumpkin Seeds Naturally: Diet to Prevent Prostate Disorders

Prostate Enlargement is a common problem experienced by males above the age of fifty years. Prostate Enlargement and prostate problems tend to increase with increasing age with about 90% of adult males above the age of 80 years suffering from prostate problems. Estimates suggest that globally approximately 115 million men complained of symptoms of varying intensity indicative of Prostate Enlargement in 2006. Most conditions of Prostate Enlargement are benign, often referred to as BEP while Prostate cancer has a lower prevalence rate of about 0.2% among males above the age of fifty years.

Prostate Enlargement
is common in elderly
Prostate Enlargement: The Pathology of Prostate Disorders

Prostate Enlargement is an age related disorder, though the exact mechanism or pathology is not clearly understood. Studies have shown that reducing levels of testosterone tend to impact the enlargement of the prostate. Some studies claim that conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone may also be one of the causative factors. Excessive enlargement of the prostate gland may result on pressure on the urethra and may result in symptoms like, 
  • Urgency and incontinence of urine
  • Pain during urination
  • Straining in order to pass urine
  • Burning during urination along with recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Frequent and repeated desire for urination.

Pumpkin Seeds to Manage Prostate Disorders: Pumpkin seed Nutrients

Pumpkin Seeds have
protective action against BEP
For several decades, naturopaths have been using pumpkin seeds to treat prostate disorders and manage symptoms associated with prostate enlargement namely incontinence of urine, urgency for urination, pain during micturation, etc

Pumpkin seeds are loaded with zinc, essential fatty acids and phytosterols. Each of these nutrients plays a crucial role in the management of prostate condition.
  • Zinc has strong anti-inflammatory properties and enhances immune functions. In addition zinc affects the production of thyroid and sex hormones in both males and females. This ability of zinc to act on the production of testosterone in males enhances its capability of shrinking an enlarged prostate.
  • Pumpkin seeds also include Beta-sitosterol, a phytosterol which blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, a factor that is considered responsible for enlargement of the prostate.
  • Finally EFA (Essential Fatty Acids) play a crucial role in regulating the levels of blood cholesterol, enhancing the immune system and lowering blood pressure levels. Further, with strong anti-inflammatory abilities, EFAs contribute towards managing prostate disorders effectively.

Diet to prevent Prostate Enlargement: Preventing Prostate Cancer

There are certain dietary tips that can help in effective management of prostate disorders. Certain powerful foods have been known to be beneficial in prevention of cancers including prostate cancer.
  • Sunflower seeds, similar to pumpkin seeds are beneficial in the management of prostate disorders. Sunflower seeds are a rich source of Zinc, especially for vegetarians. 115 grams of sunflower seeds contain approximately 6 mg of Zinc.
  • Lycopene rich foods including spinach, mangoes, broccoli, tomatoes, etc have been found to be highly beneficial in the management of prostate cancer
  • Soy foods balance testosterone metabolism and help manage Prostate Enlargements
  • Limit the intake of caffeine, refined sugar and alcohol, all of which interfere with the absorption of minerals and also alter testosterone metabolism. 

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