Thursday, June 16, 2011

Role of Human Growth Hormone to Increase Height: Diet and Exercises to become Tall Naturally

Height among humans is affected by a wide range of factors including diet, lifestyle, genetic composition and other environmental factors. Studies have shown that Human Growth Hormone, a hormone naturally produced by the pituitary gland, plays a crucial role in regulating the height in humans. The use of synthetically prepared HGH to increase height is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration due to several reasons; there are natural ways in which HGH production in the body can be boosted to increase height

3 D structure of Human
Growth Hormone
Human Growth Hormone for Tallness: HGH for Increase in Height

The Human Growth Hormone (HGH), secreted in the pituitary gland stimulates the production of IGF-1 (Insulin like Growth Factor-1) in the liver. IGF-1 in turn promotes the growth and multiplication of cells in the epiphysis. Epiphysis refers to cartilaginous tissue located at either end of long bones like femur and humorous. Multiplication of cells in the Epiphysis results in increase in length and shape of the bones.

The epiphysis plates however transform into solid bone after puberty and hence growth in height normally stops after puberty (i.e. by 14 years in females and by 16-18 years in males).

Deficiency of the Human Growth Hormone may result in short stature or dwarfism while excess of the hormone is related to Gigantism or an abnormally large individual.

Studies have shown that increase in HGH levels, especially prior to puberty may result in increase in height. Though HGH injections for synthetic or recombinant HGH are available, their use for increase in height is considered illegal and punishable under US FDA law.

Diet to Stimulate the Production of HGH Naturally: Diet to Increase Height

HGH helps in
Increasing Height
Diet plays a crucial role in stimulating the production of HGH naturally. Dietary measures tend to impact directly on the pituitary gland and thereby enhance the production of the Growth Hormone. Here are some dietary tips,
  • Avoid foods that are high in carbohydrate content. These foods tend to result in hyperglycemia or elevated levels of glucose in the blood. Elevated level of glucose in blood acts as a negative stimuli to the production of IGF-1 and HGH. Avoid refined flour, simple sugars, mapple syrup, potato, etc. These foods are high in glycemic index and tend increase blood sugar levels
  • Alternatively increase the intake of whole wheat, oats, brown rice, buck wheat, millets and quinoa. These foods are relatively low in glycemic index and prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar levels
  • Increase the intake of milk. Increase intake of spices like saffron and nutmeg. These foods tends help cope with insomnia and sleeplessness. Studies have shown that quality and deep sleep are crucial factor to enhance the production of HGH and stimulate the production of IGF-1. Raw honey is also considered beneficial in the improving sleep.
  • Increase the intake of foods rich in Calcium and Magnesium, as these nutrients are essential for growth of bones. Increase intake of green leafy vegetables, jaggary, low fat milk, oyesters, etc.
Exercise to Increase Height: Enhance HGH production with Exercise

Studies have shown that regular exercise is a major stimulus in the production of Growth Hormone as it enhances the production of adrenaline and increases blood lactate levels. This in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to increase the production of HGH. Regular exercise for about twenty minutes each day is considered beneficial.
Simple exercises like pull ups and skipping ropes are also beneficial in improving height. These exercises tend to stimulate the growth of cells located in the Epiphysis plates and thereby aid in improving height.

Side Effects of Synthetic HGH: Role of HGH
It should be noted that though several products are available in the market that claim to contain HGH, these products should not be used without doctor’s advice or consultation. Use of Synthetic HGH can have detrimental impact on overall health.
Indiscriminate use of HGH may result in side effects like abnormally large hands and feet along with protruding jaw and cheeks. The condition is often referred to as acromegaly. Other side effects include colon cancer, increased risk of diabetes, arthritis and liver damage. 

1 comment:

  1. Weakly fasts stimulate the production of HGH. The human growth hormone is needed to burn fat and provide the body with energy, when it goes into starvation mode.

    Even if you are a bodybuilder, missing meals or going on a 24-hour fast can help you experience amazing results.

    Having an intermittent fast can also be effective for boosting HGH level. Intermittent fasts are the ones that last solely for several hours per day. An intermittent fast can continue anywhere between 14 and 20 hours and it will boost HGH production.
